At ESG360, we specialize in providing strategic ESG rating improvement services to help organizations enhance their performance across major ESG rating frameworks, including MSCI ESG, S&P Global ESG, GRESB, ISS, and EcoVadis. Our services are designed to assess, refine, and elevate your ESG practices, ensuring that they meet and exceed the criteria set by these influential rating agencies.

Service Highlights:

  1. Comprehensive ESG Assessment:
    • We conduct a detailed evaluation of your current ESG practices against the specific criteria and benchmarks of leading ESG rating frameworks. This assessment covers environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices.
  2. Gap Analysis and Strategic Planning:
    • Based on the initial assessment, we identify gaps and areas for improvement in your ESG practices. We then develop a tailored strategic plan that outlines actionable steps to enhance your ESG performance and ratings.
  3. Implementation Support:
    • ESG360 provides hands-on support to implement the strategic plan, working closely with your team to ensure that ESG initiatives are executed effectively and seamlessly integrated into your operations.
  4. Data Management and Reporting:
    • We assist in the robust collection, management, and reporting of ESG data that is critical for rating assessments. Our services ensure that your data is accurate, transparent, and aligned with the reporting standards required by ESG rating agencies.
  5. Continuous Improvement and Monitoring:
    • Our commitment extends beyond initial improvements. We offer ongoing monitoring and periodic reviews of your ESG practices to ensure continuous improvement and sustained high performance in ESG ratings.


MSCI ESG Ratings:

  1. Scope and Coverage:
    • MSCI ESG Ratings assess thousands of companies worldwide, covering major and minor indices. The ratings are designed to measure a company's resilience to long-term, industry-specific ESG risks.
  2. Methodology:
    • MSCI uses a rules-based methodology to identify industry leaders and laggards according to their exposure to and management of ESG risks. The rating scale ranges from leader (AAA, AA), average (A, BBB, BB), to laggard (B, CCC) based on a company’s ability to manage the most significant ESG risks and opportunities relative to industry peers.
  3. Data Sources:
    • The data used for MSCI’s ratings come from a combination of company disclosures, NGO databases, news sources, and government databases. MSCI also incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to scan and interpret data.
  4. Focus on Risk:
    • MSCI ESG Ratings focus significantly on the risk exposure and how well a company manages those risks relative to peers. The ratings are designed to provide critical insights into ESG risks that might not be apparent from financial analysis alone.

S&P Global ESG Scores:

  1. Scope and Coverage:
    • S&P Global ESG Scores cover entities that are constituents of one of the key global and regional indices. These scores are also used to derive the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI).
  2. Methodology:
    • S&P Global ESG Scores evaluate a company’s ESG performance based on both industry-specific criteria (75% weight) and general criteria (25% weight). The scoring methodology is designed to be transparent, allowing companies to see how their scores are calculated and how they can improve.
  3. Data Sources:
    • S&P Global ESG Scores are derived primarily from the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), which is an annual evaluation of companies’ sustainability practices. The CSA uses company data submitted via a questionnaire, supported by documents and third-party sources.
  4. Focus on Best Practices:
    • Unlike MSCI’s risk-focused approach, S&P Global places a heavier emphasis on evaluating companies against industry best practices in sustainability. 

The choice between MSCI ESG Ratings and S&P Global ESG Scores may depend on what the investor or company values most—risk management or proactive sustainability practices. MSCI provides a risk management lens, suitable for understanding and comparing how companies manage ESG risks relative to peers. In contrast, S&P offers a detailed look at how companies perform on both the risk and opportunities fronts, aiming for a holistic sustainability performance evaluation.


Key Features of ISS ESG Ratings:

ISS (Institutional Shareholder Services) ESG ratings provide a comprehensive assessment of a company's sustainability performance in relation to environmental, social, and governance factors. The ratings are designed to help investors understand ESG risks and opportunities associated with investee companies and are increasingly used to inform investment decisions and shareholder engagement strategies.

  1. Coverage:
    • ISS ESG ratings cover thousands of companies worldwide across various sectors, providing a broad and inclusive view of ESG practices globally.
  2. Methodology:
    • ISS employs a rating system that evaluates companies based on a diverse set of industry-specific and general ESG criteria. The methodology is designed to identify material risks and opportunities that could impact a company's value and long-term sustainability. The ratings range from 'D-' (worst) to 'A+' (best), providing a clear grading scale.
  3. Data Sources:
    • The ratings are based on a combination of publicly disclosed information, data from non-governmental organizations, news sources, and direct engagement with the companies. ISS also conducts an annual Corporate Rating survey where companies can contribute data directly.
  4. Focus Areas:
    • The ratings cover a broad spectrum of issues including, but not limited to, climate change, labor standards, human rights, executive remuneration, and corporate governance. Each company’s performance is assessed against relevant industry peers to ensure fair and contextual evaluation.

ISS ESG ratings are a critical tool for investors and companies alike, offering a detailed assessment of ESG practices that can impact a company’s financial performance and sustainability. They help market participants make informed decisions by providing a deep dive into the ESG characteristics that signify responsible business conduct and risk management capabilities.


Key Features of GRESB Rating:

GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) is an industry-driven organization providing standardized and validated Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data to the real estate sector. GRESB's mission is to assess the ESG performance of real assets globally, including real estate properties and infrastructure assets. It aims to enhance and protect shareholder value by evaluating and improving sustainability practices within the real estate investment sector.

  1. Coverage:
    • GRESB assesses real estate and infrastructure funds, companies, and assets, providing comparative business intelligence, benchmark reports, and industry data.
  2. Assessment Framework:
    • The GRESB assessments are structured around components that reflect key sustainability issues for real estate investment and development companies. It includes Management, Policy & Disclosure, Risks & Opportunities, Monitoring & EMS, Performance Indicators, Building Certifications, Stakeholder Engagement, and New Construction & Major Renovations.
  3. GRESB Score and Star Rating:
    • Each participant receives a GRESB Score, which is an overall measure of ESG performance, expressed as a number from 0 to 100. The score is used to derive a Star Rating from one to five, where five stars represent top performers in a given benchmark.
  4. Validation and Benchmarking:
    • GRESB data undergoes rigorous validation, including document reviews, data quality checks, and alignment with local regulations. This ensures the credibility and accuracy of the results. The benchmarking process allows participants to understand their standing relative to peers.
  5. Market Recognition:
    • The GRESB rating is widely recognized in the real estate sector as a mark of ESG excellence. It helps organizations attract and reassure investors and stakeholders who are increasingly demanding transparency and responsibility in sustainability practices.

The GRESB Rating is pivotal for the real estate and infrastructure sectors, offering a robust framework to measure and improve sustainability practices. By participating in GRESB, companies not only gain insights into their own performance but also contribute to the broader goal of enhancing sustainability across the global real asset sector.


Key Features of EcoVadis Rating:

EcoVadis operates a global platform that provides sustainability ratings for companies. It is specifically designed to evaluate and enhance environmental, social, and ethical performance in global supply chains. EcoVadis ratings are widely recognized and used by thousands of companies around the world to manage risks and foster transparency and trust among trading partners.

  1. Comprehensive Assessment Framework:
    • EcoVadis evaluates companies across four key themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. The methodology is built on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000, covering 200 purchasing categories and 160 countries.
  2. Rating System:
    • EcoVadis scores companies on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates very poor performance and 100 represents outstanding performance. These scores are then translated into medal ratings: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum, with Platinum being awarded to companies that score in the top 1% of all rated companies.
  3. Data Collection and Validation:
    • The EcoVadis assessment involves a thorough data collection process, where companies are required to provide evidence-based documentation across the assessed areas. This information is analyzed by EcoVadis analysts and cross-checked for accuracy and reliability.
  4. Tailored Feedback and Actionable Insights:
    • Companies receive detailed feedback along with their score, which includes strengths, areas for improvement, and actionable insights. This feedback is designed to help companies develop effective strategies to improve their sustainability performance.
  5. Global Recognition:
    • EcoVadis ratings are recognized and trusted globally by over 75,000 businesses, including major multinational corporations, which use EcoVadis insights to manage risk and leverage opportunities within their supply chains.

The EcoVadis rating system is a powerful tool for companies looking to evaluate and improve their sustainability practices. It not only aids in managing supply chain risks but also helps in building a robust corporate sustainability framework. For companies committed to sustainability, achieving a high EcoVadis score can provide a significant competitive edge in an increasingly environmentally conscious business environment.


Key Features of Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index:

The Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index is designed to measure the performance of Hong Kong-listed companies in terms of their sustainability practices. The index provides investors with a benchmark for comparing companies based on their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts and achievements. This index is part of a broader suite of sustainability indices developed by the Hang Seng Family of Indexes, which are aimed at promoting responsible investment practices and enhancing the transparency of sustainability performance in the Hong Kong stock market.

  1. Selection Criteria:
    • Companies included in the index are selected based on their scoring in the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Assessment. This assessment evaluates companies on a wide range of sustainability criteria, which include environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance.
  2. Comprehensive Assessment:
    • The methodology used for the assessment involves detailed questionnaires tailored to different industries, ensuring that the evaluation is relevant and precise. The criteria are aligned with international standards and best practices in sustainability.
  3. Rating System:
    • Companies are rated on their overall ESG performance, and those with the highest scores are included in the index. The index is reviewed annually to ensure that it accurately reflects the current sustainability landscape and the performance of companies.
  4. Transparency and Reporting:
    • Companies in the index are encouraged to be transparent in their sustainability reporting, providing comprehensive information about their ESG strategies, practices, and performance. This transparency helps to build trust with investors and stakeholders.
  5. Market Influence:
    • Being listed in the Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index can significantly enhance a company's reputation and attractiveness to socially responsible investors. The index is used by fund managers and institutional investors as a guide for creating sustainability-focused investment portfolios.

The Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index plays a critical role in advancing corporate sustainability practices among Hong Kong’s listed companies. It not only provides a transparent and rigorous benchmark for assessing ESG performance but also encourages companies to develop and implement effective sustainability strategies. For companies aiming to enhance their sustainability profile and performance, striving for inclusion in this index is a worthwhile goal.


Why Choose ESG360 for ESG Rating Improvement Services?

  • Expertise in Major ESG Frameworks: Our team has extensive knowledge of and experience with various ESG rating systems, enabling us to provide expert guidance tailored to the nuances of each framework.
  • Customized Solutions: We recognize that each organization is unique. Our services are highly customizable, ensuring they are precisely aligned with your specific business context and ESG goals.
  • Proven Track Record: ESG360 has a proven track record of helping organizations achieve significant improvements in their ESG ratings, enhancing their attractiveness to investors and stakeholders.
  • Strategic Insight: We don't just aim to improve your ratings; we also strive to strengthen your overall sustainability strategy, enhancing your corporate reputation and operational resilience.


Get Started with ESG360

Leverage ESG360’s expertise to navigate the complexities of ESG ratings and position your organization as a leader in sustainability. Contact us today to discover how our ESG rating improvement services can help you attract more investors, meet stakeholder expectations, and drive sustainable growth.


ESG360 ESG Rating Improvement Services