At ESG360, we specialize in providing tailored advisory services to help organizations navigate the complexities of reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Our services are designed to assist companies in enhancing their disclosure practices, improving their CDP scores, and effectively communicating their environmental impact and management strategies to stakeholders.


Service Highlights:

  1. CDP Reporting Strategy: We develop comprehensive strategies for CDP reporting that align with your organization’s sustainability goals and stakeholder expectations. This includes guidance on best practices for data collection, calculation methods, and narrative development that resonate with CDP requirements.
  2. Data Management and Analysis: ESG360 offers robust data management solutions to ensure the accuracy and integrity of environmental data reported to CDP. Our team assists in the collection, validation, and analysis of data related to GHG emissions, water usage, and deforestation impact, ensuring that your submissions are complete and compliant.
  3. Response Optimization: We help optimize your CDP response to maximize your score and improve your ranking. This includes identifying areas for improvement, providing benchmarking insights against industry peers, and implementing strategies to enhance performance in key areas assessed by CDP.
  4. Stakeholder Engagement: Our services extend to crafting compelling and transparent communications for your stakeholders, enhancing understanding and support of your sustainability initiatives. This includes preparing responses that clearly articulate your environmental management strategies and achievements.



General Trends and Expectations for CDP in 2024

Organizations planning to disclose to CDP can expect several overarching trends based on recent updates and the ongoing evolution of sustainability discourse:

  1. Increased Granularity in Data Reporting: CDP has been progressively asking for more detailed disclosures on environmental impact, emission reduction initiatives, and financial planning regarding climate change. This trend is likely to continue as stakeholder demand for transparency grows.
  2. Greater Emphasis on Science-Based Targets: As the urgency around climate action intensifies, CDP is expected to continue emphasizing the importance of science-based target setting for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Enhanced Focus on Supply Chain: Given the significant environmental impact of indirect emissions, CDP might expand its focus on supply chain management, urging companies to report more comprehensively on Scope 3 emissions.
  4. Alignment with Global Standards: CDP tends to align its questionnaire closely with other global reporting frameworks such as the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures). This alignment helps organizations streamline their reporting processes and ensures consistency across different reporting frameworks.
  5. Integration of Biodiversity and Nature-Based Solutions: With increasing recognition of the interdependencies between climate change and biodiversity loss, future CDP disclosures might include more detailed questions related to biodiversity impacts and nature-based solutions.


Preparing for CDP 2024

Organizations looking to participate in CDP reporting in 2024 should focus on several preparatory steps:

  • Baseline Data Collection: Ensure that all environmental data, especially concerning GHG emissions, water use, and forest risk commodities, are accurately measured and recorded.
  • Engagement with Science-Based Targets: If not already done, consider committing to science-based targets to align corporate environmental goals with global efforts to limit warming.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with suppliers and other stakeholders to enhance the quality and scope of the data collected, particularly for Scope 3 emissions.
  • Review Past Submissions: Analyze feedback from previous CDP submissions to identify areas for improvement and align internal strategies accordingly.

Organizations should stay updated with CDP’s official announcements for any changes or new requirements for the 2024 reporting cycle. Engaging with sustainability consultants or leveraging dedicated software for environmental data management can also help in effectively meeting CDP’s reporting requirements.



Why Choose ESG360 for CDP Advisory?

  • Expertise: Our team of sustainability consultants is deeply knowledgeable about CDP’s scoring methodology and reporting standards. We provide expert advice that is up-to-date with the latest developments and criteria set by CDP.
  • Customized Support: We recognize that each organization has unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to environmental disclosure. Our services are highly customized to meet your specific needs and sustainability objectives.
  • Enhanced Disclosure: With our help, your organization can achieve more detailed and transparent environmental reporting, leading to better informed stakeholders and potentially improved investment and consumer trust.
  • Strategic Insights: We not only assist in compliance with CDP requirements but also provide strategic insights that can drive further improvements in your environmental performance and sustainability practices.


Get Started with ESG360

Leverage ESG360’s expertise to elevate your CDP reporting and environmental strategy. Contact us today to learn how our CDP advisory services can help your organization achieve its sustainability goals and enhance its reputation for environmental responsibility.



CDP Advisory